Friday, January 2, 2015

The Journey

Today, January 2nd, my family and I embarked on a trip to the rows of corn and scent of manure in Iowa. Even with family sometimes the close, inescapable corridors can drive you crazy. However, I am happy to report that this adventure went smoothly and the five hour drive, much like the landscape outside, flew by. Mom and I spent hours in a heated Trivia Crack battle, utilizing the rest of the passengers to dominate each other. Although Mom put forth a valiant effort, I came out victorious! We also spent a great deal of time listening to the new Pianoguys cd I recieved for Christmas. As always, the performance was amazing, and we enjoyed spending some family time enthusing about the music. Once we arrived in Iowa, we got to spend some much needed time with family, most of whom we hadn't seen for years. The highlight of the dinner was the delicious pizza (what can I say, I'm a foody). Somehow there just isn't pizza as good as  Happy Joe's, whether that's due to the ingredients or the anticipation I'm not sure. Flying through the corn rows didn't feel boring. I didn't have the urge to pull my hair out or to strap my brother to the roof of the van. Today, I enjoyed passing the corn, and the time, with the people I love most in the world, my family.

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